Great Adventure Launches New Wild Virtual Safari In Jackson, New Jersey
So how many times have you heard the words…"Mooooom I’m bored!” I just heard it myself 5 minutes ago. That’s why I’m so excited about this new virtual (and in-person) animal education program at Great Adventure! They are launching a NEW virtual animal education program and free resources to teachers to help make school more interesting during COVID. This COVID-friendly way of teaching will help excite our kiddos about learning again. I'm thinking with all this at home learning we could use a revamp to keep them interested right?
This is a cool new way for area schools or even small groups to learn about thousands of animals through a series of web videos. Kids can learn everything that they ever wanted to know about how animals adapt, about conservation, evolution, and genetics. It’s super interesting stuff and they make it really fun! This program is available to our schools and for groups...and bonus...the package comes with a discount for admission to the in person Six Flags Wild Safari’s onsite educational program!
This contact-free, drive-through safari experience features 1,200 exotic animals from all over the world, and it expands on lessons from the virtual videos through a new audio tour and guidebooks. Cyber Safari and Science on Safari are part of Six Flags’ extensive education series, Academic Adventures.
Additional program information and tailored options can be found here. For more information on Cyber Safari, email or call 732-928-2000 ext. 2221.