3 Steps to Keep Your Ears from Clogging on a Plane
Next time you're flying, try these three easy tips from a local Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist!
It worked for me, and, for the first time, I was able to hear people talking on the plane AND hear the pilot when he spoke. For once I didn't have to worry about my ears being clogged for my whole vacation and beyond!
My son's E/N/T doc in Neptune has a recipe that really worked, so here it is:
THIRTY minutes before flying, take the THREE products pictured here -- all available over the counter:
1. Afrin Original (follow the directions on the box,)
2. Sudafed (again, follow the directions on the box.)
3. Diplanz (ear plugs) Put them in before the plane leaves the runway. They've got an unusual shape, so check out the photo and get this kind.
P.S. Of course you should always check with your own doctor/ear specialist/pharmacist. This was recommended for me and for my teen boys (who are both adult-sized -- aka taller than me and weighing as much.) Don't go trying this on children unless you are sure of the right dosage of those OTC products.