We live here in New Jersey, so we know the truth about the Garden State. We are way more polite than our reputation...aren't we?

Well, the simple answer to that question, according to one survey is no. As a mater of fact, the reputation of Garden State rudeness seems to be supported by these results. bigseventravel.com lists us as the 46th friendliest state in America.

Or in more Jersey terms, we are the 5th unfriendliest states in the nation. It begs the question which states are less friendly than we are? Well, here they are in order from 47 to 50...

47. Massachusetts

48. Delaware

49. Arkansas

50. New York

So there, you have it. The Garden State, not the friendliest state in the nation, but at least we're not the unfriendliest! Sounds like a candidate for the new state slogan. By the way, the friendliest state in America? Congratulations to Minnesota!

For what it's worth, I think that New Jersey gets a raw deal on this due to our reputation that is being kept alive by the tired jokes comedy writers (the ones not from NJ) continue to use about New Jersey. Maybe they've run out of new ideas, or maybe they're just too lazy to write new ones. Is that rude enough for you?

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