The diabetes drug has been taking over headlines lately.

People have always been concerned with weight loss and body image.  Fad diets have practically been around since the dawn of time.  But, the advancement of technology has led to more extreme weight loss methods.

Several diabetes medications on the market, such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro have an ingredient called semaglutide that aids in significant weight loss. Recently, celebrities have admitted to using these drugs to maintain their tiny figures.

Doctors do prescribe these drugs to patients needing to lose a significant amount of weight.  But, there's currently a shortage of these meds due to their sudden spike in popularity.  The people who truly need it to treat diabetes or obesity can't get access to it, thanks to celebrities abusing the resource.

Real Housewives like Kyle Richards, Erika Jayne, and Margaret Josephs have all been accused of using semiglutide.  Actress Mindy Kailing has also been the subject of drug induced weight loss speculation.  It's important to know that these are all rumors are not confirmed.

Kyle Richards actually denied the Ozempic rumors on the post below, and blamed New Jersey Housewife Melissa Gorga for putting the idea out there.

Per People Magazine, Chelsea Handler has publicly admitted she took Ozempic without knowing what it was.  She claimed her doctor was "handing it out" to people who needed to lose a few pounds.

I should also add that these medications can go anywhere from $1200 a month without insurance.  So, it makes sense why the rich and famous can easily get access to them.

On Hulu's docuseries Impact x Nightline: The Skinny ShotCaley Svensson of Park Ridge shared her story about taking Mounjaro to shed post-pregnancy pounds.  It was a last resort after she wasn't seeing any results with traditional diet and exercise methods.

Svensson's confidence skyrockets as she steps into her old familiar body with the help of the diabetes medication.  She's able to do things she loves again, like riding her horse and showing off her legs in dresses.

Another major downside to the drug, is that some users gained the weight back once they stopped taking it.  NBC News reports that plus sized influencer Remi Bader shared that she gained double the weight once she stopped using the medication.

Obviously, this topic is a tricky one since body image and health concerns are two very serious topics.  I'd be lying if I said I've never struggled with my weight before.

But, should celebrities who are already thin and have access to top plastic surgeons and other weight loss methods be using drugs like Ozempic to lose weight?

Absolutely not.  All they're doing is taking the resource from people who really need it, while perpetuating unhealthy body images.  It feels like we're taking a giant step backward into the 90s when extremely thin bodies were the only ones considered acceptable.

Now, should people who need to lose a significant amount of weight use these drugs as a last resort?  Yes.  Weight gain can seriously mess with someone's mental health, as Svennson mentioned in the documentary.  Obesity can also lead to some serious physical health issues.  There's nothing wrong with someone using meds like Ozempic or Monjourno to get healthy, as long as a doctor okays it, and they truly need it.

I'm no doctor though, so take what I say with a grain of salt.  We'll have to stay tuned to find out whether or not this weight loss fad will go away.

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