With Halloween just about a week away, everybody is setting their sights on the finish line of spooky season. The costumes will be put together, the candy will be sitting in the bowls; it'll be time to trick-or-treat.

The question has been tossed around quite a bit this year regarding whether or not it's best to split Halloween celebrations between two separate days. Keep all of the school fun on October 31st, but hold trick-or-treating on the weekend. Maybe the Friday or Saturday after the actual date itself.

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We asked listeners whether or not they'd support trick-or-treating getting moved to the weekend. Keep in mind that most people who responded don't have little kids anymore. The majority aren't parents that currently have to take their kids around from house to house gathering candy for two plus hours.

Should Trick-Or-Treating Be Moved To The Weekend?

It seems that those who don't currently have little children that they have to get ready for the holiday are the ones who don't want to see the trick-or-treating tradition moved.

People made comments that suggest if Halloween traditions get moved to a different date, does that mean we should move Christmas and Thanksgiving, too? Here's my personal opinion: people are already off from work on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Why would we need to move those celebrations?

The main reason for even suggesting to switch trick-or-treating to a weekend is so parents aren't as stressed out the day of. I've watched my brothers and sisters race around to try and get everything ready for the kids on Halloween and it is SO MUCH more difficult than it was when I was growing up in the 90s. It was a simpler time back then.


Not to mention the fact that there are WAY more single parents trying to do everything by themselves these days than there was even only 15-20 years ago.

I didn't get to trick-or-treat with my mom too often because she was a single mom who had to work. I'd have to go with my aunt and her kids or with a friend and their family because she couldn't get home until 6 p.m. Having trick-or-treating moved to the weekend would solve that problem for SO MANY single parents in America today.


It's not going to happen. Some towns already hold trick-or-treating on the weekend, but the majority will never follow suit. That's all well and good, but it's surprising how many people don't see it from a standpoint other than "tradition cannot be altered or changed under any circumstance."

I hope the same people that don't believe it should be changed are also then willing to help assist with the children whose parents have to work normal hours on Halloween.

Join the conversation HERE.

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