There are times I just simply cannot believe the stories I find -- and this is definitely one of them.

So a guy from Point Pleasant dove head first into an old wooden piling off White Beach at Water Avenue during mid to high tide and he is suing the town of Manasquan claiming the town was negligent and that is why he got hurt.

Now of course there are two sides to every store: photos show a red flag was displayed meaning swimming was off limits and he is claiming it was improperly marked by the town.

But here is the kicker: The judge said that the town of Manasquan has to pay this man $325,000 for the wages he lost from his "severe and permanent injuries."

Now I may be misunderstanding the exact situation but why is he diving head first? You can't see to the bottom of the ocean floor and therefore how deep it is in Jersey. Never a good idea.

So he dives. He hurts himself. And he gets a big pay day. Even if he couldn't fully see the piling, something just isn't adding up here.

Am I the only one that thinks this is bogus?

Take a look at the original article at

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