Match The New Jersey Celebrity Quotes
We celebrate everything New Jersey here, so we love our Garden State celebrity quotes. So, do you think you can identify which celebrity said each one?
That is exactly the test we are going to put you to today. We'll give you a list of quotes, and also a list of New Jersey celebrities and all you have to do is match the quote with the star. Good luck!
Here are the quotes...
"You win, you win. You lose, you still win".
"I climbed like a billion's not like I can take them two at a time".
"You only lie to two people in your life, your girlfriend and the police".
"I can't stand most things that I see".
Here are the stars...
Meryl Streep
Joe Pesci
Danny DeVito
Jack Nicholson
Take a minute, think about it, and tell us which quote goes with which star, and we'll have the answers for you tomorrow.
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