My Little Boy has Begun his Driving Lessons!
Where have the years gone???
Ten years ago, when Christopher was just 6 years old, Lou and I had Buddy Carr on our morning show to give us a written and road test review to see whether Lou or Liz was the better driver. Lou says he won the contest but I think Buddy was just being nice to him, lol.
We had so much fun with Buddy back then. He originally came on the air ten years ago to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Carr's Driving School in Point Pleasant, a family-owned business founded by his father Frank in 1957. And yes, the family's real last name is Carr!!!
Well, I never forgot Buddy. He is quite honestly one of the nicest, friendliest, happiest, and most trustworthy guys I have ever met. And I remember saying to him waaaaaaaaaaaay back then that when my boys were old enough to learn to drive, would he PLEASE remember me and take them.
This is a prime example of how meeting someone who is super friendly and attentive can lead to future business. After all, back at that time my kids were only 4 and 6 years old. But now, TEN years later (and the 60th anniversary of Carr's Driving School) when my son Christopher turned 16...guess who my first and only phone call was to?
Yep. Carr's Driving School. And yesterday was the big day for Christopher....his very first driving lesson with Buddy. I can't thank you enough, Buddy, for allowing me to rest easy and assured that my son will be in the best hands and have an awesome experience learning how to drive.
You are truly THE BEST and I am thrilled for my son. Now I will just pray, Buddy, that you will still be at it two years from now when I call you on Benjamin's 16th birthday!
And PS... a HUGE shout out to Kristin at Carr's who took almost an hour to talk to Christopher personally before he turned 16, plus took our many phone calls and texts after that to very patiently explain the whole process of what Christopher would require and to set up driving dates.
Also another BIG shout out to both Judy and Kristen for taking Christopher to the MVC. The service at Carr's goes above and beyond anything I have ever experienced. And I am forever grateful.
We already plan to book a refresher course with you in a year when it gets close to the time that Christopher will be taking his road test (which, OF COURSE) I will have Carr's Driving School take him to!
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