Nagle’s Apothecary Cafe In Ocean Grove Will Be Closed this Summer
After being in business for nearly 20 years, Nagle's Apothecary Café in Ocean Grove will remain closed for the Summer of 2019 for personal reasons.
The restaurant has actually been closed since January because the owner, Lenny Steen, is ill but he does have hopes to open the place within the year.
"I do not intend to sell the building and, when the time is right, we will reopen,” Steen said. “I can’t wait to come back, and I want to thank every person in Ocean Grove who sent us letters, cards, or just came knocking on the door saying thank you.”
We all send our love and support to Lenny and urge him to only come back when he is healthy and ready to do so. But we all will be waiting with open arms.
A flood of support came in from loyal Nagle's customers which truly means there is no place that has more love then the Jersey Shore.
"I sat at the lunch counter 58 years ago and would buy cherry Cokes for 10 cents," wrote Bob Brennecke on social media. "The pharmacist, Mr. Holl, would open up the RX counter for an hour or so on Sundays so folks could get any needed medicines (and, of course, we would buy a few penny candies). Not the Nagles I remember as a child, but I visited a couple of years ago with family and had a splendid lunch."
"I'm so, so sorry to hear that illness within the family will keep the doors closed this season," Corey Ayala Fagundez wrote. "I'm hoping ... that Nagle's will open again when and if the family feels ready. The business will be missed by so many if they decide the load is too heavy and do not reopen."
"I hope that the place won't just sit dormant, that either the owners can hand it over to someone else to run the show until things get better or that they sell to someone who will respect the menu and the history," Lisa Tatulis Courtney wrote. "Nagle's itself is a part of Ocean Grove history, but the Apothecary Cafe has been so important to OG for nearly 20 years. It would be a shame for that to just end. I hope for the best for the owners, as the whole place has been a labor of love for them, and they're really nice guys."
Take a look at the original article at APP.com.
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