Study Reveals That New Jersey Is Actually Not A Grumpy State After All
Let’s not waste any time debating if the fine folks in New Jersey can be grumpy. We all know we can be. The question simply becomes just how grumpy we actually get, and the research may just surprise you.
There are so many things we encounter over the course of a typical Garden State day that could easily kick our grumpiness into high gear. We live in a state where just getting to work is enough to infuriate us.
We come across construction, hideously bad driving, and rude people before we even get our day officially started, and that’s not even counting how the kids drove us crazy before we even leave the house.
Then we get to work and demanding bosses and annoying co-workers instantly surround us and don’t give up until the work day ends, which is usually eleven hours after it started.
Then we get the joy of hitting the Jersey roads again and fighting that all the way home. So, there’s plenty to spark our “grumpy meter”. And yet, the research says New Jersey is way less grumpy than we all might think. Way less grumpy.
According to Reward Expert, New Jersey ranks 44th in the nation for grumpiness. There are only six states less grumpy than we are. Don’t you find that hard to believe? I do.
This study says that only one in 10 New Jersey residents (9.75%) are grumpy. That means 9 out of ten New Jersey residents you meet today will be happy, and not a bit grumpy.
This is great news for a state that seems to have a very grumpy reputation. But it is hard to believe.
You’d have to think that most of the observations did not take place on the Garden State Parkway or The New Jersey Turnpike. Then it would be a little easier for me to believe.
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