If You Think New Jersey Is Absolutely Grumpy You May Be Wrong
You've driven on the Garden State Parkway and the New Jersey Turnpike. So no one needs to tell you what it's like to be surrounded by grumpy people.
And as you try to find a parking spot in a New Jersey mall, you don't exactly see the best come out in people.
Do you remember the last time you went food shopping? no one knows the rules of cart driving or cart parking, and just trying to get a bottle of Smuckers is a challenge.
So, if someone asked you if New Jersey is a grumpy place, you'd probably roll your eyes and nod yes, right? So would I, and apparently we'd both be wrong.
It turns out that, according to Reward Expert, not only is New Jersey not among the grumpiest states, and you may want to sit down for this part, we are among the happiest states!
Wait, what? The state that may have invented giving the finger, and definitely perfected it, is among the happiest people in the country? Apparently so.
This report says that the Garden State is the 8th happiest state in the nation. Go figure. I mean, it's good news, but let's be honest. It's not the easiest thing to buy into, right?
But we are not going to get bogged down in the details. That would be a very grumpy thing to do. So, let's just celebrate the good news, and revel in the fact that we are so happy here in the Garden State.
The 8th happiest in the nation to be exact. Remember that the next time somebody is tailgating you on the Parkway.
For the record, the report says Louisiana is the happiest state, and Washington, D.C. is the grumpiest.