Nearly 70 million Americans have a sleeping disorder.  The cause for much of that is stress.  Can you think of anyone in a more stressful situation than a soldier on the battlefield?  To help, the military has devised a technique that is supposed to make you fall asleep anytime, anywhere in just two minutes.

Photo credit: Unsplash
Photo credit: Unsplash

Sleep is the single most important thing you can do for your health aside from staying hydrated. Your body actually heals itself when it is sleeping.  Without it, your mental and physical health spirals quickly.  Sleep-deprived soldiers have been known to make fatal mistakes so the military has developed a two-minute sleep system to help anyone fall asleep, anywhere, even in the most stressful situations.

Photo by Jessica Radanavong on Unsplash
Photo by Jessica Radanavong on Unsplash

I was hired to voice some meditation audio for soldiers to listen to when trying to relax.  My voice was used to help guide a meditation, but in the session, I learned that meditation is one thing, but the military actually has developed a 2-minute technique for falling asleep.  I have to say, I tried it last night and it totally worked, but to be fair I wake up at 2:30 am for work so I'm always exhausted.  People do swear by this practice though.  Imagine having to sleep on a battlefield with danger looming all around you in addition to all the noise, but you know if you don’t get some sleep, you’ll be in even more danger because you will not be truly alert.  Here is the system, step by step: 

1.  Relax your facial muscles starting with your forehead, eyes cheeks, and jaw, then drop your shoulders way down and relax your arms one at a time, hands, torso, upper legs, calves, and feet.  During this concentrate on deep breathing in with your nose, and out with your mouth. By relaxing your body parts one by one you are quickly putting your brain into a pattern. 

2.  Clear your mind for 10 seconds before thinking of one of two scenarios:

You are on a calm lake under and bright, sunny sky hearing nature


You are in a safe, dark, black hammock in a pitch-black room gently swinging.     

This choice is based on what feels most comforting to you. 

3.  Now in your mind, repeat the words, “do not think” over and over for about 10 seconds.

Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash
Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash

If you practice this every night for six weeks, it will become a learned behavior and you will train your brain to fall asleep on cue.  Almost 100 percent of people who do this regularly will be able to sleep within 2 minutes. 

The NHS says we need 8 hours or more of sleep a night to be healthy.  Some of us need more, I always feel better if I get a solid 9 hours. 

Not enough sleep creates problems such as obesity and heart disease.  I hear a staycation does not hurt in the relaxing department either.  Have you gone to these New Jersey attractions?

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