There are so many stereotypes about New Jersey residents. We don't usually even try to fight the one about us being bad drivers. We see the proof every day. But a study suggests we may not be nearly as bad as we think.

Photo by benjamin lehman on Unsplash
Photo by benjamin lehman on Unsplash

This study will not absolve New Jersey drivers from being classified as rude on the roads. I'm not sure there is any study that can do that.

And this study will not prove that we are patient drivers either. Our state and the drivers in it give us plenty to be impatient about.

Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash
Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash

The study does say something that is nothing short of unbelievable. It says that New Jersey has one of the lowest rates of speeding tickets in the whole nation.

If you're anything like me, you're first thought might have been that it's not that we aren't speeding in the Garden State, it's just that we're not getting caught. Five minutes in the left lane of the Garden State Parkway is all the proof you need that this is probably true.

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

But according to a report at Cheapism, there are fewer reports of speeding tickets in New Jersey than in any other state in the nation except Connecticut.

This information might be a bit surprising to you if you have been tailgated, passed, or cursed out for staying within 10mph over the speed limit in the past 24 hours, and I'm betting that's a majority of us.

The state with the most speeding tickets according to this study is Ohio, where nearly 15% of drivers say they have been ticketed for speeding, while in New Jersey, that number is only 5.5%.

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