Plenty Of Summer Left
I'm already hearing people talking about this summer like it's over, but I'm here to say there is plenty of Jersey Shore summer left!
Here's my math on summer. I think summer is June, July August and September. That's four full months. Even if you want to be picky and take away that last week of September, I'll throw in the last week of May, and we'll call it even.
If we go with that, then we still have two months of summer to enjoy, and of course, September has always been considered "our" summer, after tourist season starts to wind down. So, with that in mind, I'm not going to allow myself to get that sinking feeling I sometimes get when August arrives.
That's not happening this year. We waited a long time for this summer. No one is putting an end to it one minute before we actually have to, which I'd like to remind you, is two months away! Enjoy it!