Red Bank Extending Paid Meter Parking Hours; Here’s When To Pay
It is time to dig under your couch for extra quarters because if you are heading to Red Bank, you are going to need them.
Originally, drivers had to pay for parking between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Saturday but the city council just unanimously voted to extend the paid parking meter hours.
Visitors must now pay for parking from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM on weekdays and Saturdays.
I feel your eyes rolling through the screen and I get the frustration. But this change is being made to address one major complaint in Red Bank: a shortage of available parking spaces.
If people have to pay for parking for longer, they will be more inclined to do their shopping, grab something to eat and then head home.

The good news is that the prices will remain the same: $1.00/hour for lots and $1.50/ hour for street parking. The maximum time is four hours.
In case you aren't aware, Red Bank has been focusing on revamping their parking scene with more spaces, new meters that accept debit and credit cards and now extending the meter hours.
I also am pretty sure that you are asking yourself, "Do we need to worry about this new change chasing away business that Red Bank desperately needs right now?"
It could, but it could also result in a higher turnover of business for our restaruatns and stores.
Plus, town officials are aware and are still confident in their decision to extend the metered parking hours.
The pandemic has got to end one day and this change will also Red Bank to bounce back that much better when "normal" does return.
The only thing that is up in the air about this story is that we are not sure when the hour change will take affect. But the second we know, we will let you know...PROMISE!
For now, take a look at the original article at APP.com.
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