I mentioned on the air that I recently started playing tennis with my boys. And right away Lou wanted to turn it into a competition.

When my boys were younger, Benj was big into soccer, and I supported him by being a cheerleader from the sidelines.

And Christopher is a runner, but I can't keep up with him in 5Ks.

Other than that, though, I like to get in the game with them when I can.So what do I consider a 'game'?

We play lots of frisbee on the beach, and I am excellent at mini golf!

But when it comes to sports...I don't like the rules. I am not in this to compete. What I really want is to have some fun and laughs!

So when we go bowling, I put the bumpers up! I don't want a bunch of gutter balls...I want a chance at strikes and spares.

And when I play tennis, I don't want the ball lobbed at a hundred miles an hour over my head...I want a nice volley -- even if that means that the ball bounces twice!!!

When my boys are playing with their friends or in a league, of course they are following the rules and playing to win...but when we are just hanging out and getting some fresh air and exercise, or just spending time together, rules and competition aren't my game.

And that's what I told Lou. I don't want the challenge of a match with him. I don't want video rolled so that I can be made fun of. A friendly, fun game is the only speed I know.

And I won't apologize for it.

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