Study – New Jersey Has Among The Lowest Increases in Unemployment Due To COVID-19
There are obviously real and harsh economic impacts from COVID-19 here in the Garden State, but a study says New Jersey's increase in unemployment due to the virus is among the 10 lowest states in the country.
Of course, any job loss is painful, and many people have lost their jobs in New Jersey due to the pandemic, The numbers in New Jersey are certainly painful but relative to the other states, the Garden State is among the 10 lowest in the country, regarding unemployment due to COVID-19, according to WalletHub.
The study provided two rankings for the 50 states and D.C., one concerning the state's ranking last week and the other the state's rank since the crisis began. The following are New Jersey's ranking in both categories...
States Most Affected Last Week...New Jersey ranked 42nd.
States Most Affected Since The Start Of The COVID-19 Crisis...The Garden State is ranked #40.
The study listed West Virginia, Louisiana and Florida (from 3-1) as the most affected states this week, while Georgia, Louisiana and New Hampshire (3-1) have been most affected since the crisis began.
In New Jersey, here's a staggering statistic. The increase in unemployment claims April vs. the start of the crisis is a heartbreaking 2020.56%.
By the way, New York is ranked as the 40th most affected state in the past week and the the 36th most affected state since the crisis began.These numbers are put into harsh perspective, however, when you realize New York's increase in unemployment claims April vs. the start of the crisis is 2225.63%.
You can see all the data and the methodology used to determine these rankings at the WalletHub website. The statistics are sobering regarding unemployment throughout the country. We can only hope for a safe, speedy reversal of these numbers.
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