No kid wants to do the chores asked of them in and around the house -- (many adults may not want to either) -- and sometimes it can be hard getting them to do what they're asked, but here are some ideas on how parents of young kids and even teenagers can use to ensure the chores gets done.
Nothing says love like paying your spouse or partner to do the dishes. Wait..what? Yes, it's true. Meet the couple who pay each other cash to do the chores.
Just when you think there's never anything good on Facebook, a gem like this comes along and restores your faith in humor humanity.
Find out how one woman motivated her husband to help around the house!
The day when your man is supposed to show you just how much he loves you, Valentine's Day, is exactly one month away, and I want to make sure we are giving guys the opportunity to make the right choices.
There is nothing that consumes more time than housework, especially if it's something you can't stand doing. I just read an informal survey at about the most hated household chores. I was surprised at a couple of things. First of all, cleaning the bathroom didn't even make the top 10. I thought it would be number one. Secondly, doing the laundry was only #5. I thought that would be highe