This Manasquan Military Vet is Busy Saving Lives
Every hour of every single day a military veteran dies by suicide. That's 22 deaths A DAY after these vets served and protected our country. Experiencing the horrors of battle and struggling with PTSD makes suicide such a big contagion among ex-military members.
One very special man, James Brereton of Manasquan, who served 22 years in the military, has come close to suicide himself, but was able to decide that he would not be the 23rd victim that day. He has, instead, become an inspiration and has devoted himself to helping others who come home and fall into a deep, dark place. James has made it his mission to save lives.
James is part of a foundation called I Am 23 which is doing its best to spread the word among veterans that there are ways to SURVIVE and have a good life, and that they are not alone and there is so much help available from other vets who have found a way to move forward in life.
James Brereton served in the Marines, Army, and Army Special Operations Command in places like Iraq and Afghanistan for 22 years. Like so many who come home after serving, he understands the darkness and isolation that can overcome someone who is no longer surrounded by their comrades. Feeling like no one understands, grieving the loss of military life and missing those you lost in battle and those who became like brothers and sisters who knew you best but are no longer part of your day to day life.
James is a survivor but faced many demons that he had to overcome. Now he is working with I Am 23 to tell fellow vets about some really incredible, innovative, alternative ways they can get help that they won't necessarily find with traditional therapies and medicines. Including a very special ranch called Operation: Warriors Path.
To meet James and his service dog Bernie, you might never know the extent of what this man went through year after year to protect our country, our freedom, and our safety. You might never know that this beautiful man, who smiles and laughs now, could have come so close to taking his own life.
He is living, breathing proof that life is worth living.
Let's all not only take a moment to give thanks to all who have served our country and continue to do so every day, but let's find a way to spread the word about I Am 23 and remind veterans that they are important and irreplaceable.They have stories to tell. They can help others. Let's tell them there are fellow veterans out there who have been where they are and can inspire them to have a life worth living.
For more info on how you can help, support, and spread the word about I AM 23, CLICK HERE.
And for their Facebook page, CLICK HERE.