UPDATE: So yes, this project has been discussed many times before and there have also been many promised final completion dates that have been broken.

But hopefully, this is the one that sticks.

Spokeswoman Mairin Bellack spoke with 94.3 The Point earlier this week and promises that this project will FINALLY be complete by this Spring.

"The final configuration will be done in the spring," Bellack said. "Unfortunately we have to wait for warmer weather to do the final paving but as of right now the construction has been done."

For more information on the timeline of this project and all you need to know about this newly promised completion date, take a look at a more detailed article that was put together by our news guy Vin Ebenau HERE.

It looks like some construction work at the Jersey Shore actually has a visible end in sight!

The construction on Route 166 in Toms River will supposedly be finished within the next few weeks.

The $11.8 million project was put into motion back in March of 2016 to widen the roadway from Old Freehold Road through Route 37 to Colfax Street to help clear up traffic.

When the construction finally is complete, there will be a new lane opening on either side of Route 166.

I am sure there are many companies looking forward to this construction project finally finishing up but we will see if they truly mean "only a few weeks," as time passes.

Take a look at the original article at FREEP.com.

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