Update: Allaire Community Farm Awaits Another Hearing
Read on and tell me if this feels like bullying to you.
The situation with this farm and the hateful actions of a couple of people have sent negative ripples throughout the area.
The farm and its staff are suffering through some terrible neighborhood actions, including one neighbor who has put up a large speaker facing the farm and blasts the song "Rehab" over and over whenever the special needs kids are around. Can you imagine???
Although they are allowed to continue building their new barn for now, the non-profit Allaire Community Farm still has a public hearing hanging over their heads because of some neighbors that are continuing their fight to prevent the farm from being used to help our community.
Believe it or not, there are a couple of residents in Wall Township who are opposed to the non-profit Allaire Community Farm. The non-profit farm's mission is to help at-risk youth including autistic kids and those suffering from mental illnesses, as well as saving/rescuing farm animals. This farm also provides farm-to-table organic foods for cancer patients, as well as sending food to our local food banks.
Yet a couple of neighbors are opposed to everything that this farm stands for.
The neighbors tried last week to have the construction of the new barn halted. This barn is being built to provide much-needed winter weather shelter to the animals. Yet the opposing neighbors wanted their case brought in front of a Monmouth County judge. But the judge ruled that it was not his jurisdiction to make a ruling that should really go before the Agriculture board, so Allaire received a stay, and a chance to hopefully get that barn finished so at least the animals don't freeze.
Now the farm awaits a hearing in front of the Ag Board, at which time supporters will be able to attend and show their love for the farm. We will keep you posted on the date once that is official.
Meanwhile, you can read all the details of this drama-filled story HERE.
Seems to me that there is too much hatred floating around what should be a beautiful Monmouth County town.
To find out about all of the wonderful activities you can attend at Allaire Community Farm, CLICK HERE!
To follow along with the positive activities going on at Allaire Community Farm on Facebook, CLICK HERE.