driving in New Jersey

Jersey Drivers
Jersey Drivers
Jersey Drivers
We all deal with a lot driving each day on the roads of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, and for the most part, we remain patient. For the most part.
Shore Traffic
Shore Traffic
Shore Traffic
It's not breaking news that we can't stand traffic here at the Jersey Shore and it's not breaking news that we see it all the time.
Get The Answer?
Get The Answer?
Get The Answer?
We asked you to try to identify a well known Jersey Shore traffic spot with some clues we gave you yesterday. It's time to find out the answer.
Name The Traffic Spot
Name The Traffic Spot
Name The Traffic Spot
There are certain traffic spots at the Jersey Shore that are famous for one reason or another. Let's see if you can name one of them with just a few clues.
Brick Is Worst Traffic Town
Brick Is Worst Traffic Town
Brick Is Worst Traffic Town
For the second straight year residents of Monmouth and Ocean Counties have voted on the worst traffic town and for the second year they have come to the same conclusion. It's no fun driving in Brick.
NJ Drivers Among Best?
NJ Drivers Among Best?
NJ Drivers Among Best?
New Jersey has been recently ranked among the top of a survey of good driving states. We're all happy about that, but deep down, do we really believe it?
Driving In NJ
Driving In NJ
Driving In NJ
We all know it's not easy to be a commuter in the Garden State, but when you see some of the statistics it may make you feel even worse.

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