13 Black Cats Up For Adoption at the Jersey Shore on Friday the 13th
Superstitions aside, these beautiful and sweet black cats need homes, and what better day to adopt them than Friday the 13th?
Why not make this Friday the 13th the day you take one (or 2!) of these beautiful black cats home with you?! Some are from the Monmouth County SPCA (Eatontown AND Freehold), Calling All Cats Rescue (callingallcatsrescues@gmail.com), and one is from groomer Liz Lowrance (732-232-4075.) Here are their stories and which shelter they can be found in.
(Ziggy is a really mellow and sweet cat who should be adopted with her brother Marley. They came to the shelter because grandma had to move into their home and is highly allergic to cats. She is 6 1/2 years old and very affectionate. She will curl up at the edge of your bed every night and cuddle with you on your couch. She is at the MCSPCA in Eatontown.)
(This is Marley, the sister of Ziggy. Please adopt them so they can stay together as they were in their previous home for over six years. She is so loveable and it's not her fault that Grandma had to move in and is allergic to cats. She is at the MCSPCA with her sister Ziggy in Eatontown)
(Toeby, well, has extra toes! And a great personality. He loves everyone he meets -- especially if you come with food! He is outgoing and quite the entertainer, plus he is extra snuggly and affectionate. Monmouth County SPCA, Eatontonw.)
(This is Spot. A 2-year old that came to Calling All Cats Rescue with his brother Jet. Spot loves to come and sit on your lap and be pet, and purrs up a storm. He gets along with all cats and loves to play.)
(Shelly enjoys neck and head rubs and will return the favor and rub your nose and even have aconversations with you! She was found as a stray at Pier Village. She's about 4 years old and good with other cats. She's at the Monmouth County SPCA in Eatontown.)
(Mowgli is a wonderful front-declawed mush. He is lovey and snuggly and a sweetheart of a big boy. He came to the shleter because his owner became very ill and could no longer take care of him after 11 years. So sad. He is at the Monmouth County SPCA Eatontown.)
(Jet is a beautiful, silky, black, 9-month old handsome boy who came to the rescue with his siblings Licorice, Sable and Onyx. He is full of energy and loves to play with other cats! You can find him at Calling All Cats Rescue)
(Gia's favorite spot is on top of a fridge. This sweet girl is 2 years old and is one of the mommies rescued from the hoarding situation. She is good with dogs and cats and just an awesome girl. She is at Calling All Cats Rescue.)
(Auntie Em is very caring with a heart of gold. She recently gave birth to 4 kittens outside. Now that she is finished taking care of her babies, she has officially retired from motherhood at the ripe old age of one! Her kittens have found families, but mommy needs a home. She's at the Monmouth County SPCA.)
(Balsamic is 8-months old and very friendly, playful, and snuggly. He was found as a stray in Middletown hanging out on a sidewalk. He loves toys and playing with other cats and is affectionate and loves to snuggle and petting by humans. He is at the Monmouth County SPCA Eatontown.)
(Thoreau is a 1-year old sweet, affectionate, and friendly cat who was found outside and gets along with other cats. He is easygoing and loveable and can be found at the Freehold location of the Monmouth County SPCA)
(Fate is a 6-month old, spayed, that is very affectionate and vocal. She gets along with other cats and tolerates dogs. She is very special and is being held by a local groomer named Liz Lowrance who is taking good care of her until she can find a home. Call 732-232-4075 to adopt her!)
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