3 Great Things About Freehold
So, the story of Leonardo DiCaprio saying nice things about Freehold isn't true, but that certainly doesn't mean there aren't a ton of great things about Freehold to talk about.
So even though it's a fake story of Leo's vehicle breaking down in Freehold and him having a meal on Main St. and saying nice things about Freehold residents, we wanted to celebrate Freehold anyway.
So we came up with three things that are great about Freehold. They certainly aren't the only things great about that beautiful town, but they certainly are a great place to start.
So here are 3 things that are great about Freehold...
Downtown Freehold. Is there anything more awesome that Downtown Freehold. It's a scene right out of a movie when you are in the shadows of the Hall of Records.
Freehold people. Even though Leo's comments about how the people of Freehold are the nicest in the world wasn't real, it doesn't make the comment not true. I've lived in Freehold, and I met some of the nicest people I know there.
Freehold History.From the time John Cabot first set eyes on Freehold to the pivotal Revolutionary War's Battle of Monmouth, the town's history is truly amazing. Get more on the town's history at the Township of Freehold website.
There are the first 3 great things about Freehold, and we haven't even gotten to Bruce and the mall yet! feel free to add to the list in the comment section and help us celebrate Freehold...Leo or not!
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