4 Months Later And I Finally Fulfilled My New Year’s Resolution
It's never too late to achieve a goal.
It also doesn't matter if it takes you longer than you planned to complete it...better late than never, right?
I promised myself that I would run a 5k this year. I've done a couple 5ks before, but I always had to jog a little, then stop and walk, then jog a little more...this time I wanted to run it straight through.
I started the Couch-to-5k program in October, not being able to run more than 60 seconds without stopping, and did the program pretty steadily until about January. Vacation, injuries, and life got in the way, and I wasn't as consistent with my running as I wanted to be.
About 6 weeks ago, I decided to get back into it, signing up for the Lake Como 5k, and promising myself I would run the entire race straight through.
Saturday morning I completed the race, and while my time was not as fast as I had hoped (33:44), I finished it. And I ran the whole way.
I'm even thinking about scheduling a few more races this year, just to see what I can do.
Are all of my resolutions complete? Of course not. There's still plenty of things I'd like to do...but this weekend I realized that the timeline isn't as important as the determination. For once, I feel like I really followed through on something.
So whatever you're keeping on the backburner...just go for it. Even the smallest of baby steps will get you there eventually.
Definitely wasn't easy...
...but totally worth it.
What resolutions are you still hoping to complete? Share them below!