4 Ways To Fight Pandemic Burnout
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Coronavirus changed our lives a year ago and is continuing to impact us every day. Our world was turned upside down and many of us experienced extreme changes and hardships. Most of us are just exhausted and overwhelmed by the whole thing. In fact, there is a new phenomenon, Pandemic Burnout, that has affected many of people across the globe.
Pandemic Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion due to the stress and challenges of the pandemic. Many of us may be experiencing a loss of hope for a “normal” world, anxiety over getting COVID-19, getting the vaccine, and juggling work from home with children going to school from home. That is just for starters. The pandemic has created economic distress for business owners, single-parent households, and households where one or more individuals lost their jobs or experienced a significant loss in work hours. Millions of Americans are getting unemployment and many are still struggling to pay for food and bills.
Here are some ways to fight pandemic burnout.
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Cut Down On News
Constant negativity on the news can become all-consuming for many. Limit the amount of news you take in daily so it does not become your sole focus for the day.
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Get Enough Sleep
Sleep can benefit the body in many ways, helping with productivity and moods. Getting enough sleep will allow you to think clearly, stay motivated, feel less tired, and improve your overall mood.
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Create Boundaries In The Home
If you are working from home with your significant other, children, or other family members, it can become extremely difficult to find time for yourself. Make boundaries. You can designate one room to your own work office or dedicate time for yourself with no interruptions. Setting boundaries will help manage stress and allow for relaxation.
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Take Time Off
If you are working from home it can be easy to fall into the pattern of working all of the time. Every now and then it is healthy to set down the work and enjoy a day off. It is also important to stop working after hours. It may be tempting to keep working on days off or outside work hours, but it is harmful to surround yourself with work every moment of the day. Enjoying time off will allow you to regroup, rejuvenate and destress.