When I said I thought the Asbury Circle was the worst thing invented since New Coke, I had no idea the passionate responses that would follow. Here are some great quotes from Jersey Shore residents about the Asbury Circle.

Nobody had any trouble venting about the traffic anomaly we call the Asbury Cirlce. Just sit back and enjoy some of the quotes your neighbors and fellow drivers said about our beloved circle.

It’s almost #@*’ng impossible to simply stay on 35s through that nightmare and the markings are terrible.  AC

Kinda like two circles .... nightmare! JoAnn

It's the worst. Doesn't matter how well YOU drive, it's the other drivers that don't pay attention or don't care to follow directions. Traffic is always backed up on the Neptune side of 35 going north. Lisa

It was never this bad until they tried to improve it. They made it worse. There used to be two lanes to get onto Route 66 West. They cut that down to one and it backs everything up. Stan

Problem is no one pays attention. The solid white lines are NOT supposed to be crossed at any time. Follow the lane restriction until the line is no longer solid, THEN change lanes if safe. Simple basic "drivers education" rules which no one seems to remember!  Patrick

It’s only bad because people don’t know how to drive..... solid white lines mean don’t cross...... so.. don’t cross it and look at me like I have 3 heads! It’s you, not me.  Charlie

My mom has lost years off her life in this circle.  Keri

This is why so many people cut through Seaview Square!  Marge
If you did not grow around. Monmouth County you will not know how to drive on that circle! Rutha
And those are just some of the responses we got when we brought up the Asbury Circle. It seems pretty obvious most people are not enjoying the experience. I guess I'm not alone. Thanks for sharing!

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