Beachwood Family in the Fight of their Life to Keep their Babies Alive
Very sadly, the Krean family has just suffered the loss of one of their triplets. The two other babies are still hanging on. Prayers and financial help are needed because the special hospital they needed is in Texas. Meanwhile dad is at home with their other two kids. Here are the details.
Here is the Krean's story:
Ty Krean and his wife were lucky to find themselves pregnant with triplets. Although they were worried and emotional, they were so excited to add to the family they already have -- a 9 year old and a 2-and-a-half year old.
The doctors were very concerned since a pregnancy with multiples can have challenges and issues, but the Kreans kept up their hopes and Susan went to the doctor every two weeks for check-ups. The babies were doing well. (By the way, they conceived the triplets naturally.)
At the 24 week checkup the doctors found something called Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS), where one twin gets too much and the other doesn't get enough. It happens when they are sharing a placenta (the third baby was in his own sac and fine, with nothing affecting him.)
This had always been a concern of the doctors, who told the family to sit tight while they waited to see if they could get into CHOP in Philly for a procedure to correct this condition. But instead, later that night (May 3rd), they got a call saying they needed to get to Houston, TX within 12 -24 hours so that Texas Children's Hospital could help their babies.
They came to find out that CHOP would not attempt the procedure and instead had wanted to induce labor at 24 weeks, but Susan's doctor didn't like that idea and was trying to keep them in the womb as long as possible to give them more time to develop, since premies can have so many challenges.
So the Kreans caught a one-way flight at 9:55 pm that night and were immediately admitted to the hospital where they slept for a couple of hours and then got started on the testing. What the doctors wanted to do was a Placenta Ablasion, a minor surgery to use a laser to separate the twins in the placenta (make two placentas, essentially.)
The doctors liked what they saw and believed they could successfully perform the procedure. But as they were prepping Susan for surgery, her water broke. So they couldn't do the surgery but they were hopeful they could stop the early labor and try to keep Susan pregnant until 28 weeks.
However, within a couple of hours she started having contractions and they were getting closer and closer and couldn't be stopped, so Susan delivered the babies -- three boys. Holden at 1.3 lbs., Sawyer at 1.9 lbs (he was the singleton in his own sac), and Wyatt at 1.5 lbs.
The doctors didn't have much hope for Wyatt, who was the recipient twin that was getting all the fluid/blood. His poor little body was working overtime. But they were all as stable as they could be, all things considered.
Momma was fine, too, recovering from the emergency C-section. The family prepared to begin the 'premie rollercoaster.' That was on May 4th (they were born at 6:20 pm.) But a couple of days later they found out that Sawyer had a stage 4 brain bleed on one side. It was severe and it was pushing his little brain off of its 'centerline' and he had blood in and around the brain tissue where it's not supposed to be.
The doctors were able to stabilize it for some time, and things even looked hopeful for a while, with his oxygen levels getting better...but then his body would crash and they would have to work on him. The doctors recommended a DNR for him because of the amount of damage to his brain and the other issues he had. But the family hoped to not have to use it.
Meanwhile the twins were still having issues and also had brain bleeds (common in premies and doesn't always mean the end of life.) But baby Sawyer couldn't handle it anymore and, on May 16th at 3:30 pm, Sawyer let himself go and passed away while his momma held him.
Ty is back in NJ taking care of the couple's two older kids and trying and keep them on schedule, but it is tough to have to Facetime his wife and not be there with her helping the newborns at the hospital.
There is a GoFundMe page set up to help this family and Ty says he feels blessed that so many people in the community are reaching out. Right now Holden and Wyatt are stable. Wyatt has an infection but Holden is already on breast milk and seems to be happy with it.
But on this premie rollercoaster there are so many issues to be on alert for, including potential problems with their little stomachs and intestines. Ty is realizing how strong these little ones can be despite what they are going through.
If there is any way that you can help support this family as Ty tries juggling two kids at home at the Jersey Shore and still attempting to fly back and forth to Texas to be with his wife and the newborns, this family deserves our love and prayers...if not a financial contribution should you be able to make one. CLICK HERE to do that.
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