These 7 Monmouth County, NJ Restaurants Made Major “Best Jersey Shore View” List
When it comes to waterfront restaurants, we all know that Monmouth County is about the best it gets, and a recent check of a major website's top Jersey Shore view restaurants proves what we already knew.
So which Monmouth County restaurants made the list? We are pretty sure you've been to more than one of them. as a matter of fact, it's a good bet you can check off half of the ones that made the list.
And this honor being bestowed on each of these restaurants is not from some random site. It comes from Trip Advisor, so it should make your ears perk up a bit. It's nice to see the restaurants we love are getting the respect they deserve.
Your first thought might be that you could pick 7 restaurants from each Monmouth County beach town, and you'd be right. We love all our waterfront dining restaurants, and we're going to attach an honorable mention of our own to the bottom of the Trip Advisor list. We just couldn't help ourselves.
So now check out the 7 Monmouth County restaurants that did make the Trip Advisor list, with their ranking from the list in the title.
The enjoy the honorable mention restaurant we just couldn't help but add to the list. We know we can't list all the great ones, but see if you agree with what we did add, and let us know.
And remember, we always have room in the Comment section for you to add a favorite to the list.