Can You Name This Monmouth County Town?
Here are some clues about another awesome Monmouth County town. Do you think you can name it from just the clues we'll provide?
Let's get right to it. We'll give you clues that might include historical places or names associated with the rich history of this Monmouth County town. It should be enough for you to figure it out.
Here we go. Here are your three clues...
Names...Hooper, Mechanicsville
Reasons it exists today...Eatontown, taxes
Dates...May 5, 1908 and June 16,1908
That's a lot of information there, and by the way, including the word Eatontown was not a mistake. And Eatontown is not the answer. Technically, you have 6 clues to work with, so it shouldn't be impossible to figure out.
So, think about it, and promise not to Google. No cheating here, we're on the honor system. And we'll be posting the correct answer soon, so give it your best shot and good luck..
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