We worry about a lot of things as residents of New Jersey, but maybe a volcano never crossed your mind.

Believe it or not, New Jersey does in fact have a volcano. It is the only one in the state. Here are two pieces of good news. The volcano is not anywhere near the Jersey Shore. As a matter of fact it's in Sussex County.

Oh, and we should also throw in that it was active about 440 million years ago, so of all the things we have to stress about in the Garden State, this volcano, known as the Beemerville volcano, doesn't seem to be one of them.

If this sounds like something you'd like to check out yourself, you should know the peak of Ruttan Hill is private property and there is no access for the public, according to atlasobscura.com.

There is, however,  a way for you to hike around the hill, and you can get all the info at Atlas Obscura.

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