We've been just as eager as you to hear from Megan and Adam, the family who was chosen to receive free fertility treatments from Reproductive Medicine Associates (RMA) New Jersey, through our Gift of Family giveaway.

If you remember, Megan applied for the giveaway after losing a 9-week pregnancy due to Turner syndrome, a chromosomal disorder she later learned the baby had. She had gotten pregnant in her sixth round of IUI (artificial insemination), the maximum number of fertility treatments her insurance would cover.

She and Adam were taking a mental break after their loss and the knowledge that IVF, the next likely step for them to start a family, could be expensive without insurance coverage. Her body doesn't ovulate naturally, so they knew from the beginning that they would need treatment to help them start their family.

A New Beginning with Industry Leaders

Thankfully, they were chosen from hundreds of contestants in our Gift of Family giveaway — which honestly is the best giveaway we've been able to do to date. RMA New Jersey doctors are leaders in their field, both with the medical aspects of fertility treatment and the support they give their clients.

So, you can imagine how excited we were to learn that Megan got good news from her nurse just days after starting the medications needed for the egg retrieval. (If you're curious about the whole IVF process, read RMA New Jersey's overview here.) Megan is particularly thankful for the embryo genetic testing, which could help prevent another pregnancy loss.

"My nurse Sarah called me Tuesday to start the meds and tell me I have an amazing amount of follicles (holding immature eggs that could grow this cycle,)" Megan said. "[She told me] that I will most likely get my entire family from this egg retrieval."

Depending on how her body responds to the medications, she could be just a few weeks away from the egg retrieval.

"I feel really hopeful and can’t help but feel this is so meant to be for us," Megan said.


Managing Complex Emotions

We're so happy to hear Megan feeling hopeful because she's been honest about the complex feelings that can come with fertility treatments. Just a few weeks before, after Megan and Adam learned they were chosen, she was experiencing a range of emotions.

"Me and Adam both feel super excited going into this again," Meghan said at the time.
"This giveaway really has made financial worries less stressful so we can go into this fully-minded and just be there for each other. I can’t lie, I’m terrified and excited at the same time. It took me four months to just get in the mindset of trying again."

Along the way, she's credited the RMA New Jersey staff with providing excellent care and communication. If you or a loved one has watched the calendar for longer than 6-12 months, but you’re still not getting pregnant, RMA New Jersey can help; visit rmanetwork.com or call 973-656-2089.

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