We are on Week #2 of our new series titled: HeART of the Jersey Shore! ♥

Every Friday, we will be shining a spotlight on a local artist because who better to show the heart and soul of the Jersey Shore than our own?

And now it is time to introduce our next artist….

Jim Abels Photography

Here is Jim's bio that he has on his website:

In 2009, my eyes were opened by the world of photography.  At that time, I transferred to the photo department at my job. After working there for a year, I developed an interest in photography. So I purchased my first DSLR, (Pentax K-x) and taught myself by reading internet articles, testing settings and discussing techniques with other fellow photographers. After shooting for 6 years, my work is increasing popularity among social media and news networks. I now sell my work in Asbury Galleria located inside Convention Hall in Asbury Park, New Jersey and via my website.

If you would like to have your work featured in our HeART of the Jersey Shore ♥  series, CLICK HERE for instructions on how to submit.
#PhotoFriday #SupportLocalArtists #HeARToftheJerseyShore

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