HeART of the Jersey Shore Week 3: Stephanie Shumard
We are on Week #3 of our new series titled: HeART of the Jersey Shore! ♥
Every Friday, we will be shining a spotlight on a local artist because who better to show the heart and soul of the Jersey Shore than our own?
And now it is time to introduce our next artist….
Stephanie Shumard
Here is some information about Stephanie:
Stephanie Shumard is 33 years old and grew up in Brick, Point Pleasant, and Manasquan. Every summer is spent at the beach with her family -- as seen in the gorgeous painting above! I am a local artist who is trying to start a business with my work along with my mom’s beautiful jewelry that she makes. Together we have started a small business called Coastal Cove Living. Here is our business card:
This photo is actually super personal for Stephanie.
When my son was a baby, I would always take him and our Golden Retriever to go sit on our favorite quiet & secret pier. My sister wanted me to paint her family and our dogs in that spot.I feel this painting perfectly represents the Jersey Shore. This is my family’s place where we are each other's number one, Plus, our favorite place to be is by the water and our Golden Retrievers are the staple family dogs who love to swim in the rivers and oceans with us!
If you would like to have your work featured in our HeART of the Jersey Shore ♥ series, CLICK HERE for instructions on how to submit.
#PhotoFriday #SupportLocalArtists #HeARToftheJerseyShore
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