We are on Week #6 of our new series titled: HeART of the Jersey Shore! ♥

Every Friday, we will be shining a spotlight on a local artist because who better to show the heart and soul of the Jersey Shore than our own?

And now it is time to introduce our next artist….

Artist: Joel Gahr
Artist: Joel Gahr

When beloved memories come alive when using ink 

Artist: Joel Gahr Custom Illustration

#HeARToftheJerseyShore #CircusDriveIn #Wall #PenAndInkIllustrations #SupportLocalArtists


Here is some information about Joel:

I am a local artist from Point Pleasant NJ. I specialize in Pen & Ink illustrations from the Jersey Shore area. I
am a retired art teacher and also a member of the Manasquan River Group of Artists."

If you would like to have your work featured in our HeART of the Jersey Shore ♥  series, CLICK HERE for instructions on how to submit.
#PhotoFriday #SupportLocalArtists #HeARToftheJerseyShore

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