Introducing HeART of the Jersey Shore & Here Is Our First Artist
Introducing our brand new series titled: HeART of the Jersey Shore! ♥
Every Friday, we will be shining a spotlight on a local artist because who better to show the heart and soul of the Jersey Shore than our own?
And now it is time to introduce our first artist….
John Entwistle Photography
John is an amateur, Jersey Shore photographer who has lived in New Jersey all of his life. He enjoys capturing nature's beauty on land, out at sea and in the sky -- especially at the Jersey Shore. Take a look at John's website, Instagram and Facebook Page to get a look at his amazing work!
If you would like to have your work featured in our HeART of the Jersey Shore ♥ series, CLICK HERE for instructions on how to submit.
#PhotoFriday #SupportLocalArtists #HeARToftheJerseyShore
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