Here’s The New Jersey’s Famous Firsts Quiz
New Jersey has a lot of amazing history, and many of us know that some important "firsts" happened in the Garden State. But how well can you do on the New Jersey Firsts Quiz?
Most of us know the light bulb story and the first boardwalk story and the first college football game story. In case you don't, Edison invented the light bulb in Menlo Park, Atlantic City was America's first boardwalk and New Jersey was home to the first college football game.
But if we dig just a little deeper on these stories, and others, do you think you know the details that lie below the surface of these stories? We're about to find out. Welcome to the first New Jersey Firsts Quiz.
Let's get started. Our first question centers on that famous light bulb, and here's the question...
The first town in history to ever be lit incandescent light was a New Jersey town. What was it? Be careful, you might have the urge to say Menlo Park, and yes, that was where the light bulb was invented, but that's not the answer.
You might say Edison, since it's named after the guy, but that wouldn't be it either. The correct answer is Roselle.
On to the second question. The first ever college football game was played in the Garden State. We've all heard that at one. But who won the game. That is the question. Here's a hint, the game was played in New Brunswick.
Get ready to smile Scarlet Knight fans. Rutgers beat Princeton in America's first college football game on November 6, 1869 by a 6 to 4 score.
And finally, question #3. What was the admission price for America's first drive-in theater. You may have heard that the first one was in Camden and opened on June 6, 1933, but do you know the price.
If you pulled up for the first drive-in movie, you would have paid 25 cents per car and 25 cents per occupant in the vehicle. So it sounds like a bringing a date there would have cost you a whopping 75 cents.
There are more great New Jersey firsts at nj.com, and you should check them out. You never know when they might be the million dollar question on a game show or something.

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