Here’s What the Jersey Shore is Giving Trick-or-Treaters
I recently asked a Jersey Shore community Facebook page what they're giving trick-or-treaters this Halloween. I also asked them what should never be given out.
The results surprised me a bit. A lot of folks aren't giving away candy. They're going with alternatives due to the prevalence of food allergies.
Mary Decasse - "We will be giving away chips. No one should ever give Mary Janes or those bit o’ honey things or whatever they’re called."
Tracey Doerrer - "I give out Microwave popcorn bags. That way I have no leftover candy to eat." (author note: Brilliant!)
Lisa Larsen - "I bought tons of yo-yo's, crayons, chalk, no edibles at all."
Margaret Ping - "I gave outPlay-Dohh and glow sticks last year. They were a big hit!"
Meghan Foster - "I give out a variety of full-size candy...assorted candy bars and fruit candy, i.e. Starburst and Skittles. That way kids that are allergic to nuts or chocolate can pick those and those not allergic can pick what they want. The kids get so excited when they get the big candy too."
Melissa McGowan Sugden -
Brian Estes - "There is a special place in hell for people that give candy corn."
Denise Jones Vigil - "Juice boxes. Kids get thirsty and look forward to them every year." (author note: Cool alternative!)
While many in the group said they would be keeping it traditional by handing out the standard Halloween candy, as you can see, some are getting creative!
Happy Halloween!
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