It is said that giving blood is the ultimate gift of life. A Howell man is quite the gift giver as hes donated 100 times.

Greg Debski, Facebook
Greg Debski, Facebook

January 24th marked the 100th blood donation to the Central Jersey Blood Center by Howell's Greg Debski.

According to statistics, he's already saved 300 lives due to his selflessness.

46 year old Debski has been going since 1984 after he saw his father give blood. He simply believes "it's the right thing to do."

The Central Jersey Blood Center is a non-profit organization that has been in operation since 1965. They have locations in Shrewsbury, Toms River and in Howell.

One blood donation saved three lives. So when you get the reminder call to donate or you see the blood-mobile, roll up your sleeve and give a little. It can save a lot.

Click "Like" if you give blood!


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