Jackson Liberty Lion Marching Band: State Champs!
A big congratulations on yet another state title!
The Jackson Liberty Band is bringing home another NJ State Championship Title after their stellar performance this past weekend at the Tournament of Bands State Championships.
This title differs from any in Jackson history since the band is now part of the Open Class Circuit, which only the best and highest scoring bands are asked to perform in.
All season long the Jackson Liberty Band has been earning not only 1st place performances, but Best Overall Grand Champion awards. (Achieving Best Overall means they had the highest score out of all competing groups and classes; the status is considered 'best in show.')
Band Director Scott Katona was amazed by this year's group and what they have achieved and says he is proud of this group because they worked hard all season, outscored various bands throughout the year and earned every award they received.
Page Shields, the group's Drum Major, says she is so proud of how far they have come this year as a group. She says that through a great deal of practice and team work, the band has exceeded all expectations.
The band will next travel to West Chester, PA, in December to participate in the West Chester Christmas Parade -- one of the largest Christmas parades in the country. The parade is televised nationally on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
For more info on the band, CLICK HERE!