Jersey Shore Beaches – We Can Do This…Together
Memorial Day Weekend has arrived at the Jersey Shore. We, and our beaches and boardwalks will be experiencing what is called our "new normal".
I have spent all of my adult life in the Garden State and there is no place I love more than the Jersey Shore, and no people I love more than those who live here. And it's the people that make me feel optimistic about the big weekend ahead.
Yes, there are lots of rules and regulations and there is a ton of info to absorb. We have all been through a lot and each of us has our own personal level of impact from COVID-19. There are health impacts and financial ones as well.
And in many instances there are both. It's so important to respect each other's feelings about our reopening. Everyone has their own reasons for feeling the way they do. The bottom line is there is only one way to do this. And that's together.
I know the vast majority of us will respect the rules put in place and just as important, respect each other, and treat each other with the respect you'd want others to give to those you love.
So I came up with the 4 P's of behavior for this weekend. I hope this serves as a good reminder for all of us...
Preparation. If you're visiting a local beach, learn ahead of time what the town expects of you if you visit their beach. Monmouth County has a great resource for it's beaches. Know before you go.
Patience. Expect that not everyone will be as prepared as you are and take a deep breath (as long as you're 6 feet away) and show the patience you'd want someone to show somebody you love.
Politeness. Many people will have a higher level of tension for a while, and that's totally understandable. Don't raise anyone's tension. Keep it polite and we'll all be better off.
Prudence. Follow the rules. Simple. Listen to what authorities say, and respect the decisions that have been made. You don't have to agree with everything. But everyone is trying to to what's best.
I have complete confidence that 99% of Jersey Shore residents don't need my reminder. You are good people who care about others. For the 1%, please help us out here. And we hope any visitors to the area do the same.
Have a great, safe weekend. I am so proud of us for getting to this point through teamwork. Let's keep it up.

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