Jersey Shore “What Am I” Quiz
Test your knowledge of the Jersey Shore with today's "Who Am I" quiz. It's pretty easy to play along.
We'll give you clues as if the Jersey Shore location is actually talking to you, but remember, it's not a person we're looking for, it's a Jersey Shore place. Also keep in mind, the clues might be a little tricky and not exactly literal.
So take your time and remember anything the location "says' to you might be an additional clue. So, here we go and good luck.
I'm a little confusing and I don't get right to the point. Sometimes I go round and round and I can be annoying. Everybody tries to guess my age. Some people think I'm like 66 but I've actually been around since the 1940's.
I can take you to two different oceans in just a few minutes and people still generally don't like me. Who am I?
We will give you some time to think it over and we'll publish the official correct answer tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. Good luck!
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