If this performance is any indication of what we can expect Sunday night on ‘Night of Too Many Stars: America Comes Together For Autism Programs,’ you better have the tissues ready.

The benefit is hosted by Jon Stewart and will air on Comedy Central Sunday night at 8. Sting, Tiny Fey, Carly Rae Jepsen, Amy Poehler, Stephen Colbert and other appear on the special.

I've been fortunate enough to work with some very special people at the Jersey Shore Chapter of Walk Now For Autism Speaks. They've had me MC their annual walk in Long Branch for over 3 years now and I look forward to it every fall. You get to meet families from all over the Jersey Shore and their friends from all over the country come together for a very special day to raise funds and awareness for Autism support and research for a cure.

Jersey Shore Walk Now for Autism Speaks, Matt Ryan - Townsquare Media
Jersey Shore Walk Now for Autism Speaks, Matt Ryan - Townsquare Media

The organization lives by one phrase. "1 in 88 Can't Wait." Autism affects 1 in every 88 children and 1 in every 54 boys.

While that statistic needs to come down, resources for Autistic children and their families need to be more readily available.

Jodi DiPiazza's story and performance are proof that with the right tools, Autistic people on any end of the spectrum can do amazing things. Please visit Autism Speaks website to learn more about Autism and how you can help. Enjoy this amazing video.

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