Latest Real Estate Tax Numbers Couldn’t Be Worse For NJ
We all know that real estate taxes are bad in New Jersey, but did we really think they were this bad?
Recent research was done by WalletHub and just released, and the outlook for real estate taxes in the Garden State are absolutely bleak. How bad are they? Counting Washington D.c., New Jersey is the 51st least expensive, and you know what that means.
Our effective real estate tax is the highest in the nation at 2.47 % an only one of four states over 2%. Our annual taxes on homes priced at the state median value is $8104, over $2300 higher than any other state.
And the annual taxes on a $205,000 home is the nation's highest by far at $5064 (the only state over $5000 in the nation). Have you had enough yet? If not you can get more of the jaw dropping details at WalletHub.
Dead last. And it's not really even close. Another day in the Garden State.

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