Movie Filmed in Asbury, Spring Lake and Wall Showing Soon!
Last summer many of you were extras in a movie that was filmed here at the Jersey Shore. Now's your chance to see it!
Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 6th, 7:30 pm at The Showroom on Cookman Ave. in Asbury Park. That's when you can attend a special screening and homecoming celebration of the short film called Tonight and Every Night.
Following this special screening will be a Q&A and meet and greet with the stars and the filmmakers! This movie was filmed over the course of six days in Asbury Park, all around Cookman Ave. and in local offices and stores, as well as on the boardwalk and beach and in the Casino.
Other filming locations included the Spring Lake Theatre and inside the Princess Maria Diner in Wall Township. This film is currently on the festival circuit across the country. The next festival date is July 29th at the New Hope Film Festival in New Hope, PA.
Here's the premise of the movie: Yianni is an older gentleman who has a beautiful but fractured mind. One fateful day, Yianni, who suffers from dementia, wanders out of his house and comes to the aid of a lonely and lost little boy.
The film stars Joe Cortese, 7-year old Azhy Robertson, Janis Dardaris, Stephen Badalamenti, Tara Murtha, Mark Gindick and Katherine Sigismund. It was filmed in Asbury Park and parts of Spring Lake and Wall Township, written and directed by Asbury Park native Christina Eliopoulos.
CLICK HERE and HERE for more about the movie. And to see a teaser clip, CLICK HERE!
For tickets to this special screening ($14 each), go to The Showroom, 707 Cookman Ave. in Asbury Park, or CLICK HERE!
A feature film inspired by the short is now in development. Christina has written the script and will direct it. many of the cast members, including star Joe Cortese, will reprise their roles.
The inspiration behind this film is Christina's father and his life after his diagnosis of dementia. Her family emigrated to Asbury Park back in 1917 and her dad loved it there. That's why she wanted to film on the streets and in the neighborhoods where her dad spent some of the happiest years of his life.
Christina says that just days before his passing, she took him to the boardwalk and the two of them sat in the sun and he stared out across the beach, just entranced by the ocean. A piece of the film was filmed along that same stretch of beach.
This film explores a very difficult subject matter, but Christina, as both a filmmaker and as a daughter, tried her best to capture and celebrate every moment of joyfulness, each little eccentricity, and whatever silly delights she could enjoy with her dad. She believes that on some level, her father understood how scared she was and wonders if he deliberately tried to make her laugh in order to spare her from the pain.
Christina is an award-winning screenwriter and filmmaker whose previous work includes the documentary features "Greetings from Asbury Park" and "Demon on Wheels."
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