Here’s Where To Get New Jersey’s Most Amazing Chicken Parmigiana In 2023
It's hard to think of a type of food here in New Jersey that inspires more passion than Italian food, and there may be no Italian food that is more beloved than chicken parmigiana. And now, according to one foodie website, New Jersey has a chicken parm champion for 2023.
I would go out on a limb to declare that there is no state in America that produces more delicious chicken parm than the Garden State, so being named the best in New Jersey is pretty much the same as being named the best in the country, and maybe even on the planet.
So, we are in rarified air here and are excited to try what the foodie experts at Eat This, Not That call the best chicken parm in New Jersey.
The folks at this website had to make this decision for every state in the nation but as a resident of the great Garden State, I think the choice for us has additional prominence and weight.
Even which part of the state this restaurant is in would be a source of pride for northern New Jersey, southern New Jersey, and the Jersey Shore, and each goes in thinking they have the best.
The foodie experts in this article give the nod to north Jersey since their selection calls Jersey City home.
This monstrous honor belongs to a great place on Terhune Ave. in Jersey City and has been around for about half a century.
A chicken parm sized congratulations goes out to Laico's for one of the most amazing Italian food titles you can hold.
Make sure you leave a space on your food bucket list, and in your stomach for Laico's in 2023. If any chicken parm is good, this one must be truly amazing.