Really? Turns Out New Jersey Is Not A Very Hard Working State After All
I bet when you go to bed every night, you're exhausted, and I bet there's a good reason for that. You work so hard that you can barely make your way to the bed. You're that tired. Oh, wait a minute, No you're not. At least not according to one report.
If there's ever a state in the nation that lays it all out day in and day out, it's the great state of New Jersey. We toil to pay the bills, the taxes, and any other high-priced item that comes along.
And we battle congestion, traffic, and 12 hour workdays to do it. And nobody does it better than we do. So when you read the hard work ranking that was bestowed upon us, it will make you, well, Jersey mad.
It turns out the folks at The Ladders have reported on the hardest working states in the nation, and based on my tone, you already know that New Jersey is not among them. So just how bad did we do in the rankings?
If you think we might have made the top half of the country, you'll have to go lower. How about the top two-thirds? Nope. So how low can we go? Take a guess, and then go a little lower.
New Jersey is ranked a pathetic 43rd on the list. That sounds ridiculous to me. So let's just put this info aside and celebrate all the hard work we do and realize we just got robbed on another report. We're used to it by now.