There are so many amazing motels in the Garden State that narrowing it down to naming one as the best seems like an impossible task. And yet that is exactly what one national publication has done.

Photo by Steven Lewis on Unsplash
Photo by Steven Lewis on Unsplash

When you think about the Jersey Shore alone, there are literally hundreds of motels that are meaningful, memorable, and wonderful. Many of them bring us right back to some of the best memories of our childhood.

Or maybe they are a big part of the memories you are currently making as a family. One thing is for sure. These great motels are worthy of being honored.

And then there are motels away from the coast as well that bring us similar emotions, so when you think about it, the task of picking just one is immense.

Photo by Sean Mungur on Unsplash
Photo by Sean Mungur on Unsplash

But Love Exploring did exactly that, and they did manage to narrow it down to just one, and they have made a pretty great choice. And maybe it's a place you and your family would like to check out this summer.

So, which New Jersey motel, according to this website, is the absolute best in a state where tourism is king?

The honor belongs to (insert drum roll here) Caribbean Motel in Wildwood! it's been around since the '50s and is actually on the National Register of Historic Places.

Google Maps
Google Maps

The Caribbean Motel is just a gorgeous place, complete with its amazing pool and palm trees and absolutely looks like an amazing snapshot of Wildwood's pat meeting its present.

I actually think the impossible may have happened here. This choice is one that most people will feel comfortable about.

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