New Toys, Clothing, Shoes, Coats and More Free to Sandy Victims this Weekend
If you still recovering from the hurricane or know of a Sandy-affected family in need, Squan Strong wants to help!
This weekend only, Sandy-affected families are invited to a shopping extravaganza. Squan Strong is receiving a large toy delivery donation on Saturday afternoon for those who want to help give their children a good Christmas but were set back by Sandy.
They will also have clothing, sweaters, snow pants, coats, and jackets for kids and adults, as well as adult shoes. ALL BRAND NEW!
So who says this holiday season has to be tough? The toughest part is the choices you make from this awesome selection!
So if you are a Hurricane Sandy victim, don't be shy. Please come to the DCI Recreation Building at 63 Atlantic Avenue in Manasquan this Saturday and Sunday from Noon - 4 p.m.