New Jersey Parents – Do You Pass The Parents First Day Of School Test?
The school year is just getting underway, and New Jersey parents already have a bit of a report card to look over, but it's not the kids' report card, it's yours.
Everyone's schedule gets instantly turned around on the first week of school, and it's never easy. It's not easy for the kids or the grown-ups.
But, of course, there is plenty of help out there, whether you asked for it or not. All you have to do is Google it and the advice will come at you like a runaway spotted lanternfly.
We sifted through some of the advice and wanted to share some of the first days of school tips for the parents. Maybe it will remind you of something or help out in some way.
According to Pop Sugar, some of the things you should make sure you do on the first day of school are pretty basic but are still really good reminders. And they come from a teacher.
They remind us all to surf the ocean of things we need to accomplish in the morning and make sure we are on time. Sometimes that's more the product of the traffic and less to do with a parent's intentions.
The teacher also reminds us to take a few extra minutes to calm and ease the minds of nervous children, which seems like a silly reminder, since that's been on our minds for weeks, but in the bustle of the first morning, it may get lost in the shuffle.
There are plenty of suggestions in the article, eight to be exact, and we'll share one more. Make sure the kids get a good breakfast. You wouldn't want your little one being hungry on a day with a whole new schedule and a lot of exciting stuff going on.
There are also other resources, like the Ultimate Back To School List For Parents at Practical Perfection, which has some great advice on transitioning the kid's wake-up and bedtime and much more.
We're sure you are a School Day 1 Champion, and you probably already thought of these. But you can't be too sure, right?
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